Monday 13 January 2014


This is going to be (and if you are reading this, it already is) my first write up. Also my first impression on the world of you bloggers, and knowing me, I'll ruin it.
I should have perhaps read up on how to start a blog, or researched some other blogs on the best way to start a blog, but I didn't, and I'm going to go with the flow. I don't enjoy reading user manuals. That's the second thing I've said about myself.
I'd tell you my whole back story and family tree, but that'd bore you. It's too normal-- everything guessable.

Here's a 2 year old picture of my because I'm too embarrassed of the numbers of pimples I have right now.

An Idiosyncrasy is dedicated to the non-member who has a perspective, to the passive individual with an opinion. Stories, dramas, films, dance and music and my thoughts on them. 

I'm an introvert, so don't worry-- my blog wont be a load to your eyes. Unless you get really annoyed with my pathetic vocabulary.
Why the English vocabulary isn't enough to express the processes of conscience. That sentence might not have made any sense but I meant well. Kindly cope with my in-capabilities.
Till my next post!

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